Magnetic Fields


A mindful approach to festival planning.

We are taking steps towards making Magnetic Fields a more sustainable festival by doing as much as we can to respect the land and people of Alsisar. We encourage a mindful approach to consumption during the festival and are providing you with solutions for your time with us.

  • We have waste segregation and management systems in place at the festival – thanks to our wonderful partners and waste management experts SKRAP. Please help us in ensuring you generate minimum amounts of waste that can then be disposed of correctly.
  • In 2023, all of our attendees made an effort to segregate waste, and we collectively managed to recycle and compost over 95 per cent of the 10,200+ kgs of waste that the festival generated.
  • 7200+ kgs of waste was recycled and 2950+ kgs of biodegradable waste was composted after the 2023 edition.
  • We are also taking additional measures this year to ensure the waste figure is lower, and to use more reusable and recyclable materials.
  • Active measures are being taken to reduce a huge problem which is single-use materials. Please do be mindful of small sachets, packets that are easily wind-borne and can be spread across the site easily.
  • Reducing the usage of single-use water bottles is central to our plans and we encourage each attendee to carry a reusable water bottle that can be refilled at water stations spread across the site.
  • We do not encourage the use of straws but if you do require one, we have paper straws available.
  • Some of the biggest polluters are the smallest. Cigarette butts are unfortunately non-biodegradable and are disposed of without thought – which leave a lasting effect on Alsisar village and its surrounding desert. Our partners; Skrap provide us with collection boxes for all your cigarette butts which would otherwise end up in landfills. So, do stub your butts responsibly!

We hope that these initiatives can leave this special village of Alsisar as we find it. We are always around if you would like any more information or just have a chat about what you can do to have a more sustainable time with us at Magnetic Fields.